My mind is razor-sharp
And I№m wild-cat-mean
I№d like to shred your face
A danger to you
When I feel the urge
Deep down inside
I lose my human touch
I№m like a killing machine
I want to resist - but I can№t hold
it back
The beast is unleashed - it№s got
to attack
Again and again the force is too
It№s breaching the chains
I№ve got the beast inside
Don№t you trust in me
I№ve got the beast inside
Craving a victim - it№s telling me
to kill
I look through evil eyes
Prowling in the streets
In the dead of night
I№m a man on the hunt
I know my soul is under siege
Can№t somebody stop me now
Њcause I№m losing control
I№ve got the beast inside
Don№t you trust in me
I know it must have been
the beast inside
It№s driving me to kill
It№s gotta be the beast - the beast
- the beast
The beast - the beast - the beast
- deep down inside
But when the deed is done
And the pain is gone
I feel renewed within
Until the voices return
The beast - the beast - the beast
The beast - the beast - the beast
My mind is razor-sharp
And I№m wild-cat-mean
I№d like to shred your face
I№ve told you before
When I feel the urge
Deep down inside
I lose my human touch
I№m just a killing machine
I want to resist -
but I can№t hold it back