Все музыкальные композиции «Nanowar», которые имеются на сайте:
- Triumphant march of the nano-warrior
- Too true metal to be true
- The true forest of the only true metal and the other heavy minerals
- Pino
- Outrue
- Our true metal will win
- Our (true) metal so strong 'cos our dick is so long
- Number of a bitch (Iron Maiden Parody)
- Metal-la-la-la
- Magic warriors of true metal (So magic that we laugh at houdini)
- Lung of steel (The ballad of true metal)
- Intrue
- Emerald fork (Rhapsody Parody)
- (True) Metal fart
- You think it is my chastity belt, but they are my (True) metal underpants